Saturday, April 25, 2009


Jim proposed today!!! We've been dating for about 5 months now, and have talked about getting married A LOT! I picked out what kind of rings I liked 2 months ago and he's had the perfect one stored away for the perfect moment! He took me up to Mesa Falls with another couple we're friends with so I wouldn't suspect anything, which I totally didn't because he acted so cool about everything. He took me over the an overlook where I could my first and the most beautiful waterfall ever! He picked up a rock, and asked me if I wanted it...obviously not its dirty! haha.. he asked me what kind I liked and then backed away and got down on one knee. He said my full name and said I could have the ring on one condition....Will you be my wife?? I was crying like a baby the other couple could hear me from like five minutes away I was so hysterical I couldn't belive it. Helloo of course I said YES!!! My ring is beautiful I love it, and I am so in love with my fiance he is so perfect im so happy he is my eternal companion.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

March Madness & Easter

What a busy month! We celebrated 2 birthday's in the month of March, my 19th and jeff's BIG 16! Jim took my to Salt Lake for my birthday and we spent the weekend touring Temple Square and of course the outdoor mall ( Jim's not so favorite part ) after being stuck in a freak snow storm in Logan we finally made it home so I could chow down on some Funfettie birthday cake and hit up Joe's Crab Shack ( my favorite birthday spot )
Easter came so quick after Spring Break, of course the girls had to buy all new outfits and the men of the family had spankin new ties, who wouldn't want to take pictures of us?
My super best friends in Idaho and one of my first friends the sandalls moved away :( it was soo sad to say bye to Bently i'm going to miss him like crazy but I got some good pictures to look back on.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Love my weekends

Last weekend Jim came down to visit, we always have the best time when he comes down. For a suprised, which ended up NOT being a suprise at all. I made us dinner reservations at the Mona Lisa, what a beautiful restaurant! It felt like we were in paris, we had our own private room called Lover's Lane, there were candles and lights everywhere it was very romantic. The fondue is to die for and I thought I was going to die when I saw our chocolatey desserts mmm soo good!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rascal Flatts

As a suprise I got Jim and I ticket to see Rascal Flatts, but complications with his truck made it to hard for him to come down to the concert :( so instead I brought one of my girlfriends Dani and my mom. The concert was so much fun except for Jessica Simpson ( opening act ) she was SUCH a freak.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happiest Ever

With Jim off at school I wanted to do something special for him to help him think of me..even though I call him all the time and sent him off with pictures of the two of us :) We've only been together for about a month but this has been the happiest time of my life..and I couldn't ask for anything better. So here's a video I made for him for our big 1 month!! Hope theres many more

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Time

Christmas is my favorite time of year, I love the snow and of course winter break from school :) I've been so lucky to have my family with me this christmas along with jim's family to celebrate this special time of year! So much has happened this year and having everyone come together so really meaningful to me. Some other nice things I got for Christmas was a little puppy from jim ( stuffed animal puppy ) stuff for my apartment jewlery ( a must! ) and yummy perfume! Jim and I took a little train ride through the mountains today it was soo much fun..the snow was so pretty and the train was decorated like christmas it was SO cute

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Time

Im finally home from Rexburg for a few months.. it feels good to be home and not have to worry about schoo..homework..and tests :) All the roomies got together with our FHE group and had a christmas party before we all went back home. We didnt have any snow until the day before I left for Boise..we got almost 2 inches and more today whoa! good thing i'm not there i'd be freezing. It was fun to come home and see the snow though even though its the fun to drive in :/. It will be fun being home and visiting with everyone during this christmas season. Enjoy